WordPress Plugin – Radio Station

This Page is for Archival Purposes Only. Development of the Radio Station Plugin has been taken over by Tony Zeoli.
Radio Station is a plugin to run a radio station’s website. It’s functionality is based on Drupal 6’s Station plugin, reworked for use in WordPress. The plugin includes the ability to associate users with “shows” (schedulable blocks of time that contain a description, and other meta information), and generate playlists associated with those shows. The plugin contains a widget to display the currently on-air DJ with a link to the DJ’s show and current playlist. A schedule of all shows can also be generated.
WordPress Repo: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/radio-station/
Direct Downloads:
Final Release: Version 2.1.3 – 12/8/2015
Contributors: kionae
Donate link: http://www.nlb-creations.com/donate
Tags: dj, music, playlist, radio, scheduling
Requires at least: 3.3.1
Tested up to: 4.3.1
Stable tag: trunk
- Upload plugin .zip file to the
directory and unzip. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Give any users who need access to the plugin the role of “DJ”. Only DJ and administrator roles have administrative access.
- Create shows and set up shifts.
- Add playlists to your shows.
I really like your plugin; however, when I delete a show from the calendar it still remains on the master schedule. Any idea of how to fix this?
I’m not quite sure what calendar you’re talking about. The shows aren’t scheduled by calendar date. As soon as you delete one of the schedules on the show edit page, that time slot is no longer available to the master schedule, so the show won’t appear in that time slot.
If there is more than one schedules attached to a show, then yes, it will continue to appear on the master schedule until those schedules are removed.
in upcomming shows i have one show that is at 10 pm and the widget shows it as upcomming no matter what time is it, hwre can i control that?
The upcoming show block will always display the next show on the schedule, regardless of the current time.
i would like to know how to change the display to 24 hours. in the program code, I found a section:
switch to 24-hour time
but I do not know how I tcan activate it.
Also would be interested if it is possible to remove am/pm in because we are a German webradio 🙂
Version 1.3.4 adds the option to display time in either 12 or 24 hour format in the widgets and the master schedule.
I really like this plug in, thanks!
I am however having a couple of issues…
I want to display the current ‘on air’ show. However using
(and corresponding attributes) in my template doesn’t work. It just shows a blank space where that info should be.
The other thing is we want the master schedule to start at 7am rather than midnight. I altered the display times, which worked, sort of. But doing this obviously then displays that day’s early morning (midnight-7am) after the rest of the day. Is there any quick way to get round this?
Probably the easiest way to shorten the master schedule would be to hide the unneeded table rows with the css display: none; attribute. I can look into adding the appropriate ids to make that possible.
Thanks Nikki. It’s not that I don’t want to display them as we still have shows through the night, it’s that we’d prefer to show the start of the schedule at 7am that day and show the things after midnight at the end of the day.
Unfortunately, there’s no good way to do that at this time. It’s sometime I may look into adding in the future, though.
Sorry, it removed my php code. I’m using do_shortcode(‘[dj-widget]’);
That’s a mistake in my documentation, apparently. The do_shortcode() function has to be echoed. Try this instead:
echo do_shortcode(‘[dj-widget]‘);
Works perfectly! I should’ve thought about the echo. Thank you so much.
Great plugin!
However when I click on a show, the page always generates a 404 error. I’ve tried copying
into my theme directory (along with all the others for good measure).Any suggestions?
Try re-saving your permalink settings. Sometimes when you add a custom post type to a site, it confuses WordPress’ settings.
how? I’m having the same issue
thanks for the endorsement to the newer version.
now I have more problems
the widget should be show, if none show and dj is given, the defaultdj, but here it shows the selected time.12 or 24 hour.
with the short code it does work in a post but not in the sidebar
The second problem is that our schedule attaches after the input of the first show, the second show right of the table.
here you can see what i mean:
user and pass are demo!
I hope you can understand me.
The widget will be fixed in the next version (which will be available later today).
I’m not sure what’s going on with the schedule, but I’m guessing that it’s a bug in the table generation script. I’ll look into it.
issue with 12:00 & 0:00
dj commencement time 0:00 (am) – to work with on air widget but to work with the master schedule has to be 12:00am
therefore have to start 11:59 previous day
If I’m understanding you correctly, this should be fixed in version 1.3.6.
Hello Nikki,
Great work! Good plugin.
It seems that only the widgets don’t show a scheduled show anymore. I have assigned a DJ to a current on air show and activated that show (of course shifts were added).
The show comes up in the master schedule,but doesn’t in the widgets (coming up and current onair)
What am i doing wrong?
Version 1.3.6 fixes an issue with shows that run overnight and into the next morning.
Can you let me know if that fixes the problem you’re seeing? And if not, can you tell me what times you’re scheduling the show for so I can try to recreate it on my own site?
Thanks Nikki for your fast response! It works now! Great work!
May I add something to the wish list?
A selectable option in the widget to display the DJ who runs the show.
Don’t make a run for it, but woould be nice to have that added. I Also altered the master schedule php code so that is won’t display the shownames as links, for I am using separate pages with independant layouts to do that.
Great work Nikki, the plugin runs great and saves a lot of work!
and maybe an option to disable the diplay of the scheduled times in the widget so I can just show the Showname and DJ with Avatar………
Duly noted and added to my to-do list. 🙂
It´s a great plugin and I will implement it in the page I am making for a costumer, however this page is in Spanish and it would be great to implement multi language support for upcoming releases.
meanwile I would try to translate .php files messages by myself.
I would love to include multi-language support in the plugin… unfortunately I lack the translation skills.
Thanks for the great plugin – just trying to implement it! from your FAQ’s —
“Why don’t any users show up in the DJs list on the Show edit page?
You did remember to assign the DJ role to the users you want to be DJs, right?”
Yes, I did this, tried adding more users with the role, etc… but I am missing something here.
I’m not sure what’s going on, then. Can you let me know what version of WordPress and any other plugins you’re using? I’ll see if I can reproduce what you’re experiencing.
Hi Nikki. I have echo do_shortcode(‘[show_link]’); in my header.php and it is not displaying the current show. Just [show_link]. Is this still a valid shortcode?
‘show_link’ is actually an attribute of the [dj-widget] and [dj-coming-up-widget] shortcodes. You would use it like this:
[dj-widget show_link="1"]
Great plugin! However, after adding users with the role of ‘DJ’ they do not show up in the DJ List under Edit Shows. I’m using WordPress 3.5.2
Any clue?
Hello, Same problem with DJ’s for me. I cannot add them to show pages. They do not display in the list in the admin area.
I have checked and doubled checked, 2 users are assigned DJ roles.
I have checked the user role setting by using the members plugin that you recommend, all seems well there.
I have tried to assign all different roles to see if it was assigned to another role by mistake, no joy
I have de and reactivated my plugins in various orders then tested, no luck.
I am using TML – theme my login. your radio station plugin, and the members plugin you recommend.
WP 3.5.2
Any thoughts?
I’ve been trying for awhile now to recreate this issue on my own test sites, and thus far have been unsuccessful.
So, since I’m not quite sure what’s causing the problem (and since not everyone who uses the plugin is experiencing it), I’ve created a test version of the plugin to try and rule out the must likely culprits.
If you’re experiencing this issue, please try downloading and installing this version of the plugin and let me know if it fixes it or not.
Hello, I just tried the new, test version. Unfortunatly no luck with this.
I deleted the old then reinstalled the test version. Tried to add existing users to an existing show and then to a new show. Then I tried adding new users to both old and new shows.
Would it help if I give you admin access to the site so you can see what might be different?
That would actually be extremely helpful if you’re willing to do so.
Hello, sent you a login to info@ your website. If that email address isn’t in use just let me know.
and Thank you for looking into it!!
I think in order to re create the problems, other plugins play a big part in it. I notice it happening to me but I have some bulky plugins like woocommerce that are probably playing a role in the conflict
Anyone who was experience a problem with seeing the list of DJs in the add/edit show page:
Version 1.3.9 will hopefully fix this issue. I traced the problem (with some much needed help from commenter Ram above who let me poke around on his site to see what was going on) back to the WordPress table prefix.
Long story short, if you installed WordPress using a non-default table prefix (s4fh81_ instead of wp_, for the sake of example), information that is usually stored in the usermeta table with the key “wp_capabilities” ends up stored under the key “s4fh81_capabilities”… something I was not aware of until now. 🙂
Hi Nikki,
I have just upgraded to 1.3.9, all working now, thank you very much!
That was a really professional response and solution for a plugin you are providing for free, I’m very impressed!
Awesome. Good work Nikki!
And if that wasn’t enough….
WordPress 3.6 Oscar upgrade has now made it not work again. 🙁
Is it the same issue as before, or something new?
Nevermind… I found what was causing the problem. Something about fields parameter of the get_users() function changed in 3.6.
Hi Nikki,
Awesome plugin. One issue though. I cannot get template/css files to load from the theme directory. I went over the radio-station.php file and the get_stylesheet_directory_uri function seems to be correct but templates/css are still loading from the plugin templates folder.
I’ve tried on a local and a live install using multiple themes and child themes and cannot get anything to load except from the plugin folder.
I haven’t seen any reported issues so hopefully you can shed some light on this. Thanks again for an outstanding plugin.
Can you let me know what version of WordPress you’re using?
Tested with both 3.5.2 and 3.6.
Version 1.4.1 should fix this issue.
Thanks Nikki. Updated to 1.4.1. Now when I place a CSS file in the theme directory it does not load the plugin directory version BUT it will not use the theme directory version. In short, the override is working now but for some reason the stylesheet is not being called up. Remove the theme directory version and the plugin directory version loads fine again.
1.4.2 fixes it. The override was working correctly, but the url to the file in the theme directory had a typo in it. 🙂
Just noticed one more minor bug. The master schedule displays only 24-hour time format regardless of shortcode. I set the individual shows to display in 12-hour format and they display that way on the schedule. The timeslots on the schedule are in 24-hour format though.
Nothing major. I could set the shows to display in 24-hour format in necessary. Just want to keep everything the same.
Thanks for the note. I’ll fix that in the next update.
Hi Nikki,
I just started using your plugin but I cannot figure out how to get the template to display am/pm hours, only 24 hr days.
I’ll add an example of how to do this in the next update. In the mean time, to add this to the single-show.php template file, you would use this code:
queria saber si se puede hacer una traduccion al español de plogin radio station
My Spanish is kind of rusty, but here goes…
Me gustaría traducirlo pero hablan muy poco español.
Please i need a tutorial, i do not understand how to work this plugin..please help
I’m not entirely sure what I can tell you that isn’t already covered in the Readme file included with the plugin.
How do i add mp3 files?
You would upload the file through the Add Media button and then copy and paste the link to that file into the Current Audio File field in your show.
Hi, even after the update, I am still not able to change the hour format to 12 with the shortcode. One other question. Is there, or will there be in the future, a way to color code the time blocks to make it easier to pick out the same shows airing throughout the week?
Same problem. Using the 1.4.4 version, and the schedule will only show in the 24 hour format.
The issue with 12-hour time format should be fixed in version 1.4.5.
Hi Nikki. I have not been able to add any custom radio capabilities to any role. I’ve tried with both the Members and the User Role Editor plugins. Even adding capabilities to the default DJ role has no effect.
Example: I created a new user role so that I can have a user with editing access for all shows but without giving an admin role. I enabled all radio station capabilities to the new role but did not have anything but read access to shows.
WordPress 3.6 apparently broke some of my permissions code. It should be fixed in version 1.4.4.
Been testing all morning, WP 3.6 and 1.4.4 of the plugin and all seems fixed.
The site it is live on is http://ndbmedia.net if you’d like to check it out. It’s not a single radio station but a group of internet radio shows so I had to adapt it. The only issue I’m struggling with is having more than one show in a single timeslot on the schedule doesn’t work. Probably use a calendar plugin and enter the show times manualy.
Thanks again, Nikki.
Last version sucks.
downloaded, installed .. then: “Warning: opendir(/web/htdocs/www.taxicattolica23.it/home/wordpress//wp-content/plugins/radio-station/tmp/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /web/htdocs/www.taxicattolica23.it/home/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/1.4.5/radio-station.php on line 232 Warning: readdir() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /web/htdocs/www.taxicattolica23.it/home/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/1.4.5/radio-station.php on line 233 Warning: closedir() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /web/htdocs/www.taxicattolica23.it/home/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/1.4.5/radio-station.php on line 239
Export Playlists”
It sounds like either your download was corrupted and didn’t get fully installed, or your site’s file permissions aren’t allowing access to the radio-station/tmp directory.
Hi Nikki,
I was wondering if there is a way to display a list of show of a specific genre, like with a shortcode, perhaps?
[list-shows genre=”news”]
Thanks, and great plugin!
There isn’t currently, but it should be fairly easy to add. I’ll put it on my to-do list.
Thanks Nikki. I’ll just list the shows manually for now.
Fantastic work saved me so much time. I have a query regarding the Hosted by on the show profile page. There is nothing displaying beside this, I was wondering should it be displaying the DJ’s name?
It should indeed be displaying the name of any DJ selected in the show’s DJs menu box.
Thanks for the great plugin. I still have a problem with a show from 00:00 am till 01:00 on monday. If I put it from 12:00 am till 01:00 it doesn’t show up in the now playing dj widget/shortcode but I can also not select 00:00 am. Get my point. Thanks in advance.
I think I see what the problem is. I’ll fix it in the next update.