Anti-SOPA tools for webmasters and users alike

As more and more internet users get involved in the SOPA/PIPA debate, more and more tools have been developed by the techies among us to show just how serious we are about keeping our internet free. Everything from plugins to directories to mobile apps have launched in recent weeks. Here are just a few of them.
Websites Confirmed for the Jan 18 Blackout Protesting SOPA
For those keeping up with tech news, the internet is gearing up for a fight. Beginning with, serveral sites have pledged to go dark on January 18 in protest of SOPA and PIPA, the internet blacklist legislation currently making there way through Congress.
Don’t forget about PIPA
There’s a huge amount of opposition for the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) from the public, which has resulted in delays of voting, numerous amendments, and a lengthy hearing process. All of which is good, because SOPA is an awful piece of legislation.
Anybody need a wish list?
Try my new wish list plugin. It’s just a quickie simple little thing, but someone might find it useful.
WordPress Plugin – My Wish List
Description This plugin allows you to create wish lists for your website, and display them on any post or page with simple shortcode. Include Item names, prices, sizes, colors, links, and photos so everyone knows what you want/need. Download WordPress Repo: Direct Downloads: Version 1.4.2 – 4/13/2015 Version 1.4.1 – 9/10/2014 Version 1.4 – […]
Vanity URLs
Well, I finally did it. I went out and bought (and for good measure). Kind of jumping on the bandwagon, I guess, but I figured why not? 🙂
Support internet freedom. Oppose PIPA and SOPA.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock lately, if you’re in the tech industry odds are you’ve heard of PIPA and SOPA, currently making their way through the Senate and the House, respectively.
Google Plus for Businesses has finally arrived
Google took it’s next step toward becoming real competition for Facebook today. The long-awaited (by businesses, anyway) Google+ Pages for brands launched this morning.
Redirecting QR Codes
A little experiment I created, since my employer has an interest in QR Codes. My new QR Redirect Plugin lets you redirect a WordPress permalink anywhere you want, and never have to update the QR code that points at it.
WordPress Plugin – QR Redirect
QR Code Redirect lets you set up your own QR Code redirection site. The plugin creates a new custom post type called QR Redirect, which generates a QR code that points to the post’s permalink. You may then specify any URL you like for the post to redirect to.