Why Direct TV is right in dropping the Weather Channel

I ditched cable awhile back, so I don’t watch the Weather Channel anymore to begin with… but that said, it’s still interesting to see Direct TV dropping the channel due to failed contract negotiations. And frankly, I think Driect TV made the right choice.
My New Favorite Apps

Some of you might have noticed that I jumped on that cable cutters train a while back. I have to say (other than occasionally missing Cartoon Network) I have no regrets about doing so. You might also remember that I purchased a couple of Roku set-top boxes to make up for the lack of cabley goodness in my home.
9 tips for protecting your digital life

So much of our lives is online nowadays… and most of the time we don’t really think too hard about how secure our data is. We trust that our passwords are strong enough that no one will guess them. We trust that the services we sign up for have solid protection. But how safe are […]
Anti-SOPA tools for webmasters and users alike

As more and more internet users get involved in the SOPA/PIPA debate, more and more tools have been developed by the techies among us to show just how serious we are about keeping our internet free. Everything from plugins to directories to mobile apps have launched in recent weeks. Here are just a few of them.
Redirecting QR Codes
A little experiment I created, since my employer has an interest in QR Codes. My new QR Redirect Plugin lets you redirect a WordPress permalink anywhere you want, and never have to update the QR code that points at it.
WordPress Plugin – QR Redirect
QR Code Redirect lets you set up your own QR Code redirection site. The plugin creates a new custom post type called QR Redirect, which generates a QR code that points to the post’s permalink. You may then specify any URL you like for the post to redirect to.
What’s your default install?
Over the past few months, I’ve found myself working with WordPress more and more, simply because it cuts down on development time and gives me the freedom to focus on customizations rather than making sure the core of the site is working correctly. But what’s a CMS without plugins? These are the ones I install […]
Time to start brushing up on my Java skills
I finally just recently broke down and got myself an Android phone. I’d been putting it off because I really couldn’t justify the expense (given that I’ve been paying something like $99 a year for my TracFone for the last 10 years or so, paying four or five times that every year wasn’t exactly appealing). […]