Odd Roku Remote Pairing Failure

I’m a fan of refurbished electronics. In my experience, they’re just as reliable (if not moreso) than new units, and they’re much, much cheaper. That said, every once in awhile, you run into something weird.
My Top 5 less than obvious Roku channels

There are a number of streaming set-top boxes on the market these days. My box of choice happens to be the Roku. These are a few of my must-have channels beyond the obvious (Netflix, YouTube, Hulu+, etc.) ones that everyone uses.
Cutting the Cord – One year later…

It’s been almost exactly one year since I cancelled my subscription to cable TV. It’s taken some experimentation, but at this point, I can honestly say that I don’t miss cable. At all. It has definitely been an interesting transition, with some pretty great benefits (not the least of which is the fact that I’m no longer paying Comcast a ton of money).
My first real hardware project… building a home media server

Some of you may be wondering how I spend my free time when I’m not designing websites or writing Wordpress plugins. Generally, the answer is “really geeky things”. This past weekend, for instance, I set up a media server on my home network that can stream to the Roku set-top-boxes on my living room and bedroom TVs.
My New Favorite Apps

Some of you might have noticed that I jumped on that cable cutters train a while back. I have to say (other than occasionally missing Cartoon Network) I have no regrets about doing so. You might also remember that I purchased a couple of Roku set-top boxes to make up for the lack of cabley goodness in my home.
How I got rid of cable TV thanks to the internet

I was a cable holdout for a long time, but about 4 months ago I finally decided to take the plunge and cut the cord. I was tired of paying $160+ a month for Comcast’s TV/Internet/Phone bundle. Especially when I was only actually watching around 8 of the 200 or so channels I got on […]