Odd Roku Remote Pairing Failure

I’m a fan of refurbished electronics. In my experience, they’re just as reliable (if not moreso) than new units, and they’re much, much cheaper. That said, every once in awhile, you run into something weird.
Fun with routing… or, how I finally got my server to freaking work

Just to prove to you that even people that consider themselves tech-literate can do stupid things…
Removing partitions from a USB thumb drive

Have you ever accidentally partitioned a USB thumb drive, and then been unable to get rid of those partitions? Here’s how to fix it.
Facebook has stopped posting to Twitter

For the last few days, Twitter and Facebook users have been abuzz about linked accounts suddenly no longer linking. People have reported that, while tweets still post to Facebook, the reverse is no longer true… Facebook posts are not being tweeted, and haven’t been for several days now.